Prayer Meditation
Thank you for visiting this section of our website that contains some items to help you in your journey of prayer.
Perhaps you have been praying all your life, or perhaps you have never prayed before, in either case, welcome!
Please know that, first and foremost, there is no wrong way to pray.
If you are having trouble coming up with the words to say, click on our “SAMPLE PRAYERS & PRAYERS FOR DAILY USE” links to find a few ideas to help you to pray when you are worried, grateful, when you need guidance, and a few other life circumstances.
If you are looking for a way to calm your mind, click on our 4 minute PRAYER MEDITATION slide show to help you do so.
Please check back to this page, as we will be adding more resources.
The less I pray, the harder it gets; the more I pray, the better it goes. ~ Martin Luther